Nothing to fear, here. Feathers are sharp and mow down hair very efficiently. They are not, in my opinion, dangerous for anyone familiar with wet shaving. I have had no nicks or cuts using them. I have my best results with vintage Gillette adjustables (Slim, Fat Boy, Black Beauty) or Feather's own razors (the cheap one works pretty well with these blades). The problem, as others have noted, is that they lose that sharp edge rather quickly. I have medium beard density and average skin, but can only get two good shaves with these. After that, the third shave is noticeably worse and requires a lot more touch-up. They are about average in the smoothness department, but do not tug. I would keep Feathers for the occasions when you require a very close, BBS shave, but not a good choice for daily use -- they just wear out too fast.